The Hardest thing to Change is Human Nature.

Gerra Chong
5 min readJul 15, 2022

You can start by trusting yourself.

Beginning of this year I had been pondering about growth and expansion. And the million dollar mid age crisis question: What’s next?

I didn’t like running my business the typical and traditional way — having a shop space and hiring people.

Maybe I was lazy, maybe I didn’t have enough guts.

But I honestly didn’t like the idea. I like being lean and mean. As I get savvier, I realized a lot of businesses are kind of getting the order wrong…

Anyways, having a space is the definition of ‘stuck’ and mindless worry.

Been there done that years ago. Had a failed space with a partner who claims she can help me but none manifested. Life lesson 101 for me.

I realized I hated it. Not the way I want to live my life.

2 years ago I went through some roller coaster shit and wasted a significant amount of money that got me on ‘revenge mode’.
I must say this is how PAIN can be a VERY VERY effective teacher….. :(

Using my creativity and the determination to break through, I processed and thought. HARD.

Then early this year, something just clicked and I had a crazy thought in my head.

Actually, this ‘crazy’ idea wasn’t something impulsive but during the 2 years of ‘locked in’ Covid, I did spend time researching; just also happens that NFTs had been gaining a lot of media exposure.

The ‘NFT Idea’
It got me thinking: “What is this shit about?”

“Can this be relevant to what I’m doing?”

“Can this ALSO be relevant to what others are doing?”

- How can we scale with more resources of time, effort, and money. I ALSO still want the entire process to be fulfilling, enjoyable, and as low-risk as possible?

TADA! I figured….

Personal branding is a value, asset AND skill set. (IT is applicable for everyone) But only if they see it. 🤷‍♀️
NFTS? They are digital yeah sure. But it’s a tool, BUT also a value and an asset!

I love branding. From having developed this entire suite of skills over a decade; and proud to claim that I have helped so many leaders & entrepreneurs benefit. (Even for my own business)

I awakened after seeing how the C pandemic came to slap us suddenly in the face.

We literally saw everything crumble but then: ‘Another new something’ also came up again very quickly!!??

AND THIS WAS the acceleration of: TECH & DIGITAL

My gut was screaming: PAY ATTENTION.

It was a tough decision because I’m so bad at tech shit. I’m lazy AF too. OMG.

BUT I decided to pinch my cheek and took little but bold steps just to get some feel.

We are mightier than we give ourselves credit for

Photo by Zoë Reeve on Unsplash

Surprisingly, it didn’t feel as impossible.
Ironically the steep learning curve made me increase my value, kind of shot up 100x higher after I figured it out. (Because there are way more lazy narrow-minded people who will never do anything.)

I think that’s what they mean by: With learning comes growth. Applied knowledge gives you power.

If I do more, just even the harder teeny tiny bit, I will always become better.

YAY! Congrats to me. I just axed my red ocean competitors by 70% (Made back my wasted money and figured out the formula. Hah!)
And this is my personal breakthrough.

My power portrait moment: Shot by Rebecca Toh

The Realization

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

That’s why I knew I had to marry personal brand with NFTs, progressing to a new way of creating an organization. This is something that has such vast potential! Using all my motivating fuel, I kicked myself into rocket mode.

👉So that we can grow into something bigger
— I want to combine everything we know and love, to scale.
— Lean & mean at its finest!

Ray Dalio: Have your cake and eat it too!
(We can’t do everything ourselves and not suffer burnout, anxiety, and stress.)

As I learn and do, do and learn, I discovered so much more and every day feels like I’m putting a foreign piece of the jigsaw to uncover the beautiful map.

Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash


The map can grow bigger and bigger. 👀

The best thing is? I’m doing it in a way that’s enjoyable, baby steps at a time.

We have the power to be able to create an entire de-fi organization and business from this new era of tech.

  • Building literal assets
  • IF govt, the architects and builders can, so can we.

Not forgetting another crucial decision: Do or wait to die. I’m not the type to die without a fight…. so…..

Do it for you. I’m not claiming to be a saint.

I’m just here to do my best. Instead of functioning from fear and chasing more money, what else can we truly focus on that gives us meaning? (Money naturally comes after.)

I read a great article here by Tim Denning, he has put it candidly and straightforwardly across.

Anyway, the idea is simple.
Just come on to add value, build, create, stack, and leverage!

I got the tough ‘starter’ bits up already. You are welcome.

When we understand the role we play, naturally things will come together.
Don’t just wait for others. If you want to reap benefits, get involved, start becoming that mighty creator, and do your part.

If you’re in web3 space join us in our Discord! Don’t judge. We’re new and let’s grow meaningful connections to live more freely and happily.

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Gerra Chong

I help entrepreneurs & agents build a strong organic growth with a customized Power Brand Program and to profit happily for a long long time 🙂